Letting Go Is Hard

Miguel Lebron • Jan 05, 2022

Letting Go Is Hard, But Necessary.

Letting Go Is Hard, But Necessary

We have often heard the phrase "let go and let God." This phrase is easy to say, but it isn't easy to live out. No matter how much we know we should let go of things that we cannot control or want to control us, we still find it challenging and letting go hurts. We need to understand that if we do not let go of what is holding us back, we will never move forward. The future is a minimalistic place. It doesn't allow clutter, therefore thinking you can walk in with old baggage will leave you stuck at the entrance. 

There is no worse place to be stuck in than between the future and the things you won't let go of. We often talk about the parting of the red sea, but many people left their entire lives behind in the hope of a place of milk and honey. There was no in-between; they either crossed the red sea or faced the raging enemy. 

For some people, letting go is like dropping their shield and sword in the heat of battle. Saying goodbye is hard, but understanding that you must move on is even more complex. It can become comforting to live in the past and harbor emotions of letdown or frustrations of unresolved issues. It becomes somewhat of a scapegoat for what is happening in life and the instability we experience. However, if we want to experience real growth, we must be willing to let go, even if it hurts.

What Really Matters

Make a list of the things you deem necessary to you. This list can consist of items, projects, relationships, etc. After Which, take out ten must-haves from this list of essential things. Once you have created a list of the ten must-haves, highlight the things you would run into in a burning house to save. This task isn't easy, and it is supposed to make you think, so take your time. Also, this should reveal to you what is important to you and help you become aware of things you must let go. Letting go implies moving on, and this can be scary. Consider, you are letting go of unresolved emotions or of a relationship that has run its course. While it may be difficult to move on, you must believe that more incredible things are ahead. Believe something greater is up ahead. Where you are now is not your final destination, and therefore, you must be willing to face the challenges that come with letting go. 

Hindering Growth

Your health demands that you let go. We are all emotional beings and spiritual beings. We don't let go of things, and they become soul ties. Remember that one time Jada Picket Smith said she had "an entanglement"? The truth is that if we don't let go of the things that hold us down or keep us from moving forward, we will be tangled. A soul tie is anything we develop an affinity for and refuse to let go. While there are good soul ties, there are also soul ties that require us to let go, and not doing so will keep our souls from feeling alive. Likewise, your mental and emotional health will be affected if you refuse to let go of those things hindering your growth.

To say let go and let God is easy, but to bring that to action requires intention. This is not a statement that puts the total responsibility on God, as it starts by saying, "let go." Although it isn't a biblical statement, it still holds to our spiritual growth. When we let go of the things that hold us back and hand them over to God, he can begin to do things we never even saw possible. Let go of your fears, insecurities, limiting beliefs, and relationships that don't hold you to a higher standard.

I’m Miguel, and the above is just my opinion. Are you looking for more content like this? Here’s a complete list of articles and information for a free 30 Minute strategy session. Here's what I’m doing now and what I don’t do. I’d love it if you listened to my podcast, Strategy Rewind.


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