Five Leadership Styles

Miguel Lebron • Jan 06, 2022
Five Leadership Styles

Every organization needs a vision and a mission. And every leader must be able to communicate the vision and mission with their team effectively. However, not every leader aligns with the culture established or desired. While there are several leadership styles, I will highlight five of the most common overlapping leadership styles. As a leader, this should help you decipher your style. And as an organization on the search, this should help you gain a better perspective on who fits and who may not.

Coach-Style Leadership

A leader with a coaching style concentrate on tactics to help their team work together more effectively. This leadership style shares many characteristics with strategic and democratic leadership. Still, it places a greater emphasis on the development and success of individual team members. Rather than requiring everyone on the team to focus on the same abilities and goals, this leader might form a group where everyone has a separate area of specialty or skill set. To get work done in the long run, this leader focuses on building strong teams that can communicate effectively and embrace each other's distinct skillsets.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is always "transforming" and improving upon the organization's standards. Team members may have a standard set of responsibilities and goals that they must achieve each week or month. Still, the leader is continuously pushing them outside of their comfort zone. When beginning a project with this leadership style, all team members may receive a set of goals and timelines for achieving them. While the objective may appear straightforward at first, they may change the target and stipulated deadline as you progress with the business.

Autocratic leadership

Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, typically comprises leaders issuing commands and expecting team members to accept them without question. All organizational decision-making lies solely to the leader in this leadership style. These do not support the exchange of ideas and will, in most circumstances, dismiss any ideas or proposals offered by those they supervise. Team members are not considered or consulted before a change in direction. And they are expected to follow the decision at the time and place specified by the leader. The autocratic leadership style is the stark opposite of democratic leadership.

Democratic leadership

Democratic leadership is also known as participatory leadership. In this type of leadership, the leader frequently allows team members to communicate their views, opinions, and concerns about circumstances within the organization. Unlike autocratic leadership, where the leader makes the decisions independently, the democratic leader will often decide after talking with the other members, regardless of whether they are from the executive body or not. Although the leader makes the final decision, each team member has an equal say in the direction of a project.

Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership is responsible for maintaining the organization's core values while focusing on organizational goals. They recognize team members' potential and growth while focusing on their current status and potential for development. There are parallels between the strategic leadership style and other leadership styles while being future-oriented.

Regardless of what style you possess or wish to possess, if service isn't at the top of your to-do list, you aren't going far. It's important to note; some organizations may need one leadership style at its inception and later another. Also, some leaders may have a sprinkle of one type and a dash of another kind. The important thing is to ensure the organization's growth because the alternative is stagnation followed by extinction. 

I’m Miguel, and the above is just my opinion. Are you looking for more content like this? Here’s a complete list of articles and information for a free 30 Minute strategy session. Here's what I’m doing now and what I don’t do. I’d love it if you listened to my podcast, Strategy Rewind.


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