20 Question To Answer Before Leaving 2020

Miguel Lebron • Dec 29, 2020

As 2020 comes to an end, it's better to start identifying the things or relationships that make you happy, give you energy, serve as an inspiration and those that don't. We all have those things (or people) we wish not to engage with. With 2021 on the horizon, a list like this could be the thing that helps you focus and archives all your goals.

Photo by Shaurya Sagar on Unsplash

In 2019, Inc Magazine published an article written by Megy Karydes, titled 20 Questions That Can Help You Reach Your 2019 Goals. Although we are heading into 2021, I read the article and thought I'd  answers those questions ahead of the new year.

1. What do I enjoy, and what am I good at doing?

I enjoy sharpening my skills and learning new ones. I also enjoy being able to teach others what I have learned. I am constantly looking at new ways to simplify the lessons so that I can teach them even to my 5-year-old.

2.  What do I enjoy but could get better at doing?

Planning, more specifically scheduling. I am good at developing a plan, but sometimes I realize I could be better at scheduling out for the week that lies ahead.

3. What do I enjoy doing but don't do well at all?

Sleeping. I am bad at keeping a sleep schedule. Sometimes I feel as though my best work is when everyone is sleeping (The current time is 5:02 a.m.).

4. What energizes me?

Possibility of growth.

5. What tires me?

Dwelling on the past or thinking on “what ifs”.

6. How much sleep do I need to really function well?

During the week, I can function with 5-6 hours of sleep. However, I’m gonna need a nap, and I might sleep-in on Saturday.

7. What relaxes me?

Spending Time with my wife and kids. 

8. What stresses me out?

The idea of stagnation.

9. What distracts me?

Sometimes social media distracts me, but sometimes it inspires me. I’m gonna say it's like 60-40.

10. What is the most important thing in my life?

My relationship with God.

11. Who are the most important people in my life?

My wife. My kids. My brother. My pastors, who also happen to be my in-laws.

12. How can I be a better friend or colleague?

I try to communicate and make myself available when and if someone asks for my support.

13. What do I want more of in my life?


14. What would I prefer less of in my life?


15. What am I most afraid of?

Not fulfilling everything God intended for me to do.

16. What is one good habit that I have?

I am always looking ahead.

17. What is one habit I want to change?

I seldom read as much as I would like.

18. What is one thing I set out to do this year that I succeeded in doing?

On July 1st 2020, I launched my website.

19. How do I define success?

Success is having a clear vision and being relentless in your pursuit to bring it to life.

20. What's the one thing I want to accomplish next year?

By the end of 2021, I want to have 90-95% of my book done.

GoodbyE 2020. Hello 2021!

Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash

My mother was a night owl, I think that's why I find myself staying up. Most of the time I am working, studying, and planning. However, I have been known to binge-watch a Netflix series.

Doing this list has shown me that I am not where I want to be in some areas, but I can confidently say, I have come a long way. Sure 2020 will forever be remembered as the year of the pandemic and nationwide quarantine. But personally, its also the year my wife and I got rid of nearly $10k of debt. The year our third daughter was born. The year I launched this blog and website. And the year I helped my friend launch her podcast. Oh, and this year I also gained a promotion!

I have made some new friends, joined some new groups, and challenged myself in ways. Yeah, 2020 wasn't the year I anticipated, but that ain't a bad thing.

Check out this blog!

Positioning Yourself For A Promotion.


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