Positioning Yourself For A Promotion.

Miguel Lebron • Oct 06, 2020

the higher we are on the totem pole, the more we are called to serve.

First, become a sponge.
The idea here is that you would learn every aspect of your position; Learn the in's and out's to the point that you can influence when discussing best practices. Many times people are more concerned about getting a raise then what they are about actually growing in an organization. The fact is that getting a raise isn't going to change your life a whole lot if you have bad financial habits.

Secondly, play the long game.
Getting a raise is nice, but as I mentioned, if you do not have healthy financial habits, it isn't going to change your life. The idea would be that you would live within your means, so a raise shouldn't change the way you live, and frankly, getting a raise doesn't give you a bigger platform in the organization.

When you outgrow your position, you position yourself for the promotion. Attaining that promotion within the organization will help grow your platform within the organization, which intern allows you to serve even more people. Let us not forget, the higher we are on the totem pole, the more we are called to serve. 

Lastly, be willing/be humble.
Be willing to work on the "small" or "odd" projects; those projects will lead to greater responsibility. If we can show willingness and knowledge with the "small" and "odd" projects worked on, our name will resonate when it comes time for the "bigger" projects. I say "small" and "odd" because there are always projects that no one wants to be a part of, but your willingness to work on those projects gives you a foothold to something greater.

In the Biblical Parable of the Talents, we see a master who is about to take a long trip. Before going taking the long trip, the master gave each one of his servants' talents. Talents here means money. To one, he gave five bags of silver, to another two bags, and one bag of silver to the last—dividing it in proportion to their abilities; He then left on his trip. After a long time, their master returned from his trip and called them to give an account of how they had used his money. The servant to whom he had entrusted the five bags of silver came forward with five more and said: "Master, you gave me five bags of silver to invest, and I have earned five more". The master was full of praise. "Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!"

Again, the idea here is that we may be responsible for the small things - in other words, position yourself for the promotion. 

Be humble. Keep in mind: your promotion is an increase in responsibility and an elevation to your platform - which allows you to serve at a greater level. If you lose sight of the mission, and it all becomes about monetary gain, you have lost sight of the vision.


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