Stop Crowdfunding Your Confidence.

Miguel Lebron • Nov 16, 2021

I'm sure you've heard of websites like Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, and GoFundMe, where you may raise money through crowdsourcing. We've all seen people using these sites. Heck, I've had to use it myself at one time or another! And, while this is an excellent method to bring your community together so that you can come up with a financial answer to a specific event or desired outcome, we shouldn't be crowdfunding our confidence.

Crowdfunding confidence means relying on others to boost your self-esteem. This is an ineffective strategy. This is a flawed strategy since you'll be an angel for some individuals and a devil for others. This illustration may appear dramatic or exaggerated, but it accurately depicts the situation. I've walked into several rooms and been stared at over people's shoulders as if I were a leper, yet I've also been welcomed with warm love in other instances. Despite this, my confidence has not been shaken in any case because I am aware of the skills I possess.

So how do we do this? How do we not crowdfund our confidence but rather that our confidence will be self-sustained?

Number one: complete the promises you make to yourself. Don't lie to yourself, don't try to convince yourself of something that you know isn't true.

Generally speaking, the mirror will not deceive you; it will reflect what before it. However, some mirrors have been warped and therefore will present a warped reflection. My wife and I once visited a museum, and there were many different shapes and sizes of mirrors on display. And the mirrors would alter our appearance. We went to one mirror that made us appear extremely thin, and then we went to another mirror that made us appear tall. Likewise, we may get an altered presentation when we rely on outside sources to build our confidence. Therefore, the truth is that if we rely on others to present us with who we are, we may end ourselves bankrupt. As a result, we must keep our promises and be honest with ourselves to build our confidence further.

Number two, we must make a careful analysis of the talents that we possess.

We're often the first individuals to overlook the talents, gifts, and abilities that we have.

A child is constantly seeking parental approval and checking in with their parents to see whether they're doing the right things. When my daughters draw a drawing, they show it to me right away and ask what I think. I frequently turn the questions and ask them how they feel about it and what they've created, and they'll say they like it. However, they still expect me to respond. While this is acceptable in a child, we must grow out of our childish ways and be able to recognize our own excellence rather than seeking affirmation from others. 

This is accomplished through a thorough examination of your tools, traits, gifts, and abilities. Not so that you may brag about yourself, but so that you are fully aware of the value you bring to the table. If others are engaging with you, it's because they see value in what you bring to the table; make sure to understand what that value is.

Number three, get out of your way.

Sometimes we get in our own way while we're trying to do something greater. Too often, we undervalue ourselves and over-appreciating or everyone else's opinions.

We frequently find ourselves prioritizing other activities that don't add value to what we're trying to do. I would advise you to move out of the way. Life will throw you trials and struggles, and you'll meet some naysayers and haters along the way. Don't let them stop you from being happy. Don't let anything stand in the way of being the best version of yourself.

Remember that your tongue has the power of life and death, and if you keep speaking death, if you keep speaking poverty over your dreams, you are the one standing in your path. Because David was willing to tackle anything that stood in the way of his growth or success, the story of David and Goliath is so powerful. Goliath, on the other hand, is not David, and David is not Goliath. We can't be David and Goliath in our own story since they are two separate people from opposite ends of the spectrum. You're either David, ready to face any challenge, confident to confront any adversity, and ready to stand tall even while others are trembling, or you're Goliath, making life a living hell.

You may need to use crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe as you work toward your goals. However, it would be beneficial if you did not crowdfund your self-assurance.


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