How To Set Goals For The Organization You Lead.

Miguel Lebron • Oct 20, 2020

goals upon visions.

We always establish goals upon visions. What we see for our future is the driving force behind our decision making, and the same rule applies for the organization you lead. A set vision is like the fuel that allows us to push beyond the rainy days, long nights, lonely moments, and challenges that may appear. A set vision is what helps us continue even when we face a year like 2020.

This year has been an emotional roller-coaster on so many levels. The only difference between 2020 and a roller-coaster for some people is that 2020 has more lows than highs. The one this that has kept us going is that vision we have set; for ourselves and our organization.

remind them of the vision

As a leader, before we set a goal for our team, let's remind them of the vision in place. Your team members are all from different backgrounds and different stories, perspectives, and talents, but the one unifying truth is the vision. Therefore, before you go on the share a new goal, share that vision that has brought everyone together. The fact is that it's easy to get caught up in the mundane and everyday routines, but by starting with the vision, it refocuses everyone's direction.

What Did Jesus Do?

When we look at Jesus, he continuously spoke to his disciples about the vision that was the Heavenly Kingdom. Jesus not only called the twelve, but he also called seventy and then sent them out. Keep in mind that Jesus gave them authority so that they could communicate the news of the awaited kingdom with power. Jesus called seventy, empowered them, encouraged them, and then sent them out. When they returned with their reports, they spoke jovially to Jesus about all that they had seen and done; yet He reminded them about the vision, and he said to them: "rejoice that your names are written in heaven" (Luke 10: 17-20). 

final thoughts

The most effective way to set a goal for the organization that you lead is to start with the vision. Remind them of the organization's vision and the role they play in making that vision a reality. Then, establish a goal that spawns from the organization's vision. By reminding them first about the organization's vision, you will help them refocus and understand that the goals set every day, every week, every month, every quarter, and every year are with the organization's vision in mind.


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