Expand Your Mind And Your Tribe

Miguel Lebron • Jan 19, 2022
Expand Your Mind And Your Tribe

On January 8th, I had the privilege to speak at a Mastermind dinner event hosted by Merge Worldwide. There was an incredible spirit of curiosity that filled the air, along with the beautiful aroma of the dinner. However, it was palpable that the hunger we all had was for growth, community, and impact.

This writer's opinion is that influence requires relationships. The more you expand your tribe, the more lives you can serve. And it is in service to others where you learn what your purpose truly is.

As I prepare for an event on February 4th, when I speak to a group of organizational executives, I can't help but reflect on the relationships I've been privileged enough to form. And as this year gears up, I look ahead with great optimism for the new ways to serve and more people to be of service to.

Here is the truth, we can serve more people if we expand our tribe. But what holds people back from doing this? Fear. We fear rejection or what others will say, and therefore, instead of trusting our talents are enough, we make like a turtle or a snail and go back into our shells.

If your fear has paralyzed you from becoming or doing more, mark this day as a day of "no mas." No mas in Spanish means no more, and this has to be the day you become ambitious and say no more to fear! No more living in the comfort zone and thinking you can't shine, when honestly, who are you not to shine? This is your year - it has to be. 

Start by saying these words, and you can't just tell them in your mind, speak to them out loud so that your mind, heart, soul, and fears can hear them.

No setbacks, just setups.

No procrastination, just progress.

No distractions, just dedication.

No limitations, just breakthroughs.

No obstacles, just opportunities.

I am strong enough, smart enough, and equipped to manage every blessing that comes my way; and be a blessing to those I encounter.

The only way to retrain your mind is to challenge the limiting beliefs that fear has constructed.

Schedule a free 30-minute strategy session with me. No commitment is required, just the willingness to believe there is more to life than what you've already seen, and I have a sense that is how you feel.

Click Here Now.


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