Seeds Take Time

Miguel Lebron • Jan 12, 2022
Seeds Take Time

Even the fastest-growing seeds take anywhere between 10 to 15 days to grow. The fact is that there is no fast-tracked growth. Growth takes time, and even when you consider these plants, these seeds, that grow relatively fast, the truth is it requires much attention.

We don't often realize that attention is a currency. Attention is tied to energy, and your attention will also be where you place your energy. Often, we feel drained; even powerless to do anything about it because we're stuck in the mundane. The truth is that we are giving our energy, our attention, to things that may not be paying dividends. And so, we have to reevaluate.

There is no quick, easy scheme for growth; it requires attention. The question now becomes, are the things you're paying attention to bringing forth dividends? Notice that the statement is paying attention. So, you're not paying money, but you're still using a currency.

Remember that seeds take time to grow. Patience is required. But what is patience? Patience is the ability to wait based on the promises obtained. And we have a sure promise that one day will come after another, and that hard work begot greatness and greatness begot hard work.

I’m Miguel, and the above is just my opinion. Are you looking for more content like this? Here’s a complete list of articles and information for a free 30 Minute strategy session. Here's what I’m doing now and what I don’t do. I’d love it if you listened to my podcast, Strategy Rewind.


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